बुंदेलखंड के पांच जिले छतरपुर, टीकमगढ़, दमोह, पन्ना और सागर उड़द और तिल के प्रमुख उत्पादक क्षेत्र हैं, मगर यहां इस बार फसल पूरी तरह बर्बाद होने के आसार बन गए हैं। उड़द की 7,043 हेक्टेयर और तिल की 2,179 हेक्टेयर जमीन में बोई गई फसल पूरी तरह चौपट होने के कगार पर है। फसल का विकास तो भरपूर हुआ है लेकिन इसमें फूल नहीं पनपा है। फसल की अच्छी पैदावार न होने की शिकायतों पर किसान कल्याण एवं कृषि विकास विभाग ने हालात का जायजा लेने के लिए संबंधित इलाकों में जांच दल भेजा तो पता चला कि सात हजार हेक्टेयर से अधिक क्षेत्र में उड़द की फसल तो खड़ी है मगर उसमें फल आए ही नहीं हैं।
यही हाल तिल का है। दो हजार हेक्टेयर से अधिक क्षेत्र ऐसा है जहां तिल की फसल फलविहीन है। दोनों फसलों के संदर्भ मे कृषि विशेषज्ञों की जो जांच रिपोर्ट आई है, उससे पता चलता है कि फसल का वानस्पतिक विकास तो भरपूर हुआ है परंतु प्रजनन अवस्था में परिवर्तित नहीं हो पाई है। दोनों फसलों का आकलन करने पर यह पूरी तरह फल विहीन पायी गई है। जबलपुर के जवाहर लाल नेहरू कृषि विश्वविद्यालय के विशेषज्ञों के दल ने तो बुंदेलखंड में बोई गई उड़द व तिल की किस्म को ही सेंट्रल मध्य प्रदेश के अनुकूल नहीं माना है।
बुंदेलखंड में उड़द की आजाद एक व दो, पी यू 40, पी यू 31 किस्मों और तिल की टी के जी 55 किस्म के बीजों की आपूर्ति भारतीय राज्य फोर्म विकास निगम भोपाल ने की है। इस किस्म के उड़द के 950 क्विंटल और तिल के 67 क्विंटल बीजों की आपूर्ति की गई।
पन्ना जिले के महोड़ गांव के किसान मस्तराम राजपूत की 40 हेक्टेयर क्षेत्र में बोई गई तिल में फल नहीं आए है। राजपूत बताते है कि इस इलाके में तिल की प्रति हेक्टयर पैदावार 10 से 12 क्विंटल है और इसकी कीमत 5,000 रूपए प्रति क्विंटल है। इस तरह प्रति हेक्टेयर 50 हजार रुपये का तिल उत्पादन होता है। इस बार हाल बुरे हैं। इसकी वजह विभाग के बीजों की किस्म अच्छी न होना बताया जा रहा है। उन्होंने कहा कि बीज की किस्म बुंदेलखंड के अनुकूल नहीं थी तो उसकी आपूर्ति क्यों की गई। सरकार और विभाग की चूक ने किसानों को बर्बाद कर दिया है।
इसी तरह उड़द की प्रति हेक्टयर 10 से 15 क्विंटल की पैदावार होती है। उड़द की आजाद एक व दो, पी यू 40, पी यू 31 की किस्म जिस क्षेत्र में बोई गई थी उसमें से 7,043 हेक्टेयर में फल नहीं आए हैं।
सागर संभाग के कृषि विभाग के संयुक्त संचालक डी. एल. कोरी बताते हैं कि उड़द और तिल की फसल बड़े पैमाने पर चौपट हुई है। इसकी वजह दोनों फसलों के बीज की किस्म है। इसी वजह से आपूर्तिकर्ता संस्थान के भुगतान पर रोक लगा दी गई है।
वहीं भारतीय राज्य फोर्म विकास निगम भोपाल के क्षेत्रीय प्रबंधक एस. सी. अग्रवाल का कहना है कि बुंदेलखंड में बरसात तो ठीक हुई लेकिन धूप के अभाव के चलते फल नहीं आए। इस क्षेत्र में कुछ इलाकों में जहां 15 जुलाई के बाद बुआई की गई है वहां पैदावार अच्छी होने की उम्मीद है। जहां तक बीज की किस्म का सवाल है वह बीज पिछले चार साल से किसानों को दिया जा रहा है।
कांग्रेस नेता और पूर्व मंत्री राजा पटैरिया का आरोप है कि बुंदेलखंड में घटिया किस्म के बीज की आपूर्ति की गई है। यह सब कृषि विभाग और प्रशासनिक अमले की सांठगांठ के चलते ही संभव हो पाया है। सरकार ने भले ही बीज आपूर्तिकर्ताओं का भुगतान रोक दिया हो, मगर बर्बाद तो किसान हुआ है। फसल को फायदे का धंधा बनाने का दावा करने वाले मुख्यमंत्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान के राज्य में किसानों के साथ क्या हो रहा है उसका बीज की किस्म ने खुलासा कर दिया है।
वहीं प्रदेश के कृषि मंत्री रामकृष्ण कुसमारिया का कहना है कि क्षेत्र के अनुकूल जो बीज नहीं था उसकी आपूर्ति कैसे की गई उसकी जांच कराई जाएगी, दोषियों पर कार्रवाई करने के अलावा किसानों को मुआवजा देने के प्रयास भी किए जाएंगे।
सरकारी आंकड़ों के मुताबिक 7,043 हेक्टेयर में 84,514 क्विंटल उड़द का उत्पादन अनुमानित था। उड़द की प्रति क्विंटल बाजार कीमत 4,800 रुपये है लिहाजा 40 करोड की उड़द की फसल चौपट होने के करीब है, इसी तरह तिल की 10 करोड़ से ज्यादा की फसल बर्बाद हो रही है।
श्रोत - इंडो-एशियन न्यूज सर्विस
गुरुवार, 23 सितंबर 2010
बुधवार, 18 अगस्त 2010
बुन्देलखंडी किसान"पीपली लाइव"के नायक नत्था धनिया,बुधिया माँ-बच्चे के साथ कोमंवेल्थ में दिल्ली और देश की लाज वचाने में लगे
बुन्देलखंड"पीपली लाइव"
बुन्देलखंडी किसान"पीपली लाइव"के नायक नत्था धनिया,बुधिया माँ-बच्चे के साथ कोमंवेल्थ में दिल्ली और देश की लाज वचाने में लगे
आप को लगे की हमारे किसान खेतो में ही पसीना वहाया करते है देश की आन की बात हो ते किसान अपनी लाज देकार भी देश और समाज को वचाते है इन दिनों कोमंवेल्थ खेलो में सभी और से निरास दिल्ली सरकार और भारत सरकार को उन बुन्देलखंड"पीपली लाइव"के नायक नत्था धनिया,बुधिया और माँ-बच्चो से ही अपेक्षाए है,जो किसान वर्षो से सूखे से प्रभावित है । इसके चलते बुन्देलखंडी किसान या पीपली लाइव"के नायक भारी मात्र में पलायन तथा भुखमरी के साथ-साथ किसानों द्वारा आत्म हत्याओं की ख़बरें देश दुनिया तक जाते -जाते अब दिल्ली की सड़को पर मजदूरी करते नजर आते है वे किसान जो कभी औरो के हाथो को काम और रोजी देते थे आज दिल्ली में दरवादर भटक रहे है किसान चुकी पहले से मजदुर नहीं है सो ठेकेदार लेकर केंद्र तथा राज्य सरकारों के मगरमचछ बुन्देलखंडी किसान रूपी नत्था,धनिया,बुधिया और माँ -बच्चो को अब मजदूर के रूप में खाए जात है
उल्लेखनीय है कि पिछले पॉँच वर्षों के दौरान बुन्देलखण्ड में लाखों किसान सूखे से प्रभावित हुए थे। इसके चलते यहाँ से भारी पलायन तथा भुखमरी के साथ साथ किसानों द्वारा आत्म हत्याओं की ख़बरें देश दुनिया में छई हुई है सो आमिर खान ने "पीपली लाइव" फिल्म बना डाली। किन्तु फिल्म में बुन्देलखंड के किसानों के हालातों का प्रस्तुतीकरण केवल पैसा कमाने के लिए नहीं होना चाहिए अगर आमिर खान स्वयं को समाज सेवी और राष्ट्र भक्त समझते है तों आमिर खान को चहिये की स्वयं आगे आ के बुंदेलखंड के किसानो के लिए एक विकास निधी कोष वनाये और फ़िल्म शो के दोरान लोगो से अपील करे कि "सूखा प्रभावित किसान विकास निधी कोष " के लिए दान और सहयोग के लिए प्रेरित करे आमिर खान कि और से किसान रूपी नत्था,धनिया,बुधिया और माँ -बच्चो के देश के साथ दुनिया के लिए प्रेरणा होगी
"आमिर खान की हाल ही में रिलीज हुई फिल्म "पीपली लाइव" बुन्देलखंड के किसानो को लेकर बनी है।
बुंदेलखंड और बुन्देली संस्कृति तथा रहन सहन के साथ साथ पूरी तरह बुन्देली बोली ही प्रयुक्त की गयी है । उदाहारण के लिए नत्था की पत्नी धनिया अपने जेठ बुधिया से पूछती है " काये कछू भओ का आज ?" तो उत्तर में बुधिया कहता है कि " पईसा तौ मिले नैयाँ " । कहने का तात्पर्य पात्रों के बीच बातचीत में ठेठ बुन्देली ही प्रयुक्त की गयी है। इतना ही नहीं बुंदेलखंड को लेकर केंद्र तथा राज्य सरकारों के बीच जो वाकयुद्ध पिछले कुछ वर्षों से चल रहा है उसको भी इस फिल्म में भी पूरी तरह समाहित किया गया है ।
"महगाई मारें जात है " नामक चर्चित गाना बुन्देली साज-बाज के साथ गाया गया एक बुन्देली लोक गीत है । उल्लेखनीय है कि पिछले पॉँच वर्षों के दौरान बुन्देलखण्ड में लाखों किसान सूखे से प्रभावित हुए थे। इसके चलते यहाँ से भारी पलायन तथा भुखमरी के साथ साथ किसानों द्वारा आत्म हत्याओं की ख़बरें देश दुनिया तक पहुंची थी । इसी विषय को लेकर आमिर खान ने "पीपली लाइव" फिल्म बना डाली।
बुन्देलखंडी किसान"पीपली लाइव"के नायक नत्था धनिया,बुधिया माँ-बच्चे के साथ कोमंवेल्थ में दिल्ली और देश की लाज वचाने में लगे
आप को लगे की हमारे किसान खेतो में ही पसीना वहाया करते है देश की आन की बात हो ते किसान अपनी लाज देकार भी देश और समाज को वचाते है इन दिनों कोमंवेल्थ खेलो में सभी और से निरास दिल्ली सरकार और भारत सरकार को उन बुन्देलखंड"पीपली लाइव"के नायक नत्था धनिया,बुधिया और माँ-बच्चो से ही अपेक्षाए है,जो किसान वर्षो से सूखे से प्रभावित है । इसके चलते बुन्देलखंडी किसान या पीपली लाइव"के नायक भारी मात्र में पलायन तथा भुखमरी के साथ-साथ किसानों द्वारा आत्म हत्याओं की ख़बरें देश दुनिया तक जाते -जाते अब दिल्ली की सड़को पर मजदूरी करते नजर आते है वे किसान जो कभी औरो के हाथो को काम और रोजी देते थे आज दिल्ली में दरवादर भटक रहे है किसान चुकी पहले से मजदुर नहीं है सो ठेकेदार लेकर केंद्र तथा राज्य सरकारों के मगरमचछ बुन्देलखंडी किसान रूपी नत्था,धनिया,बुधिया और माँ -बच्चो को अब मजदूर के रूप में खाए जात है
उल्लेखनीय है कि पिछले पॉँच वर्षों के दौरान बुन्देलखण्ड में लाखों किसान सूखे से प्रभावित हुए थे। इसके चलते यहाँ से भारी पलायन तथा भुखमरी के साथ साथ किसानों द्वारा आत्म हत्याओं की ख़बरें देश दुनिया में छई हुई है सो आमिर खान ने "पीपली लाइव" फिल्म बना डाली। किन्तु फिल्म में बुन्देलखंड के किसानों के हालातों का प्रस्तुतीकरण केवल पैसा कमाने के लिए नहीं होना चाहिए अगर आमिर खान स्वयं को समाज सेवी और राष्ट्र भक्त समझते है तों आमिर खान को चहिये की स्वयं आगे आ के बुंदेलखंड के किसानो के लिए एक विकास निधी कोष वनाये और फ़िल्म शो के दोरान लोगो से अपील करे कि "सूखा प्रभावित किसान विकास निधी कोष " के लिए दान और सहयोग के लिए प्रेरित करे आमिर खान कि और से किसान रूपी नत्था,धनिया,बुधिया और माँ -बच्चो के देश के साथ दुनिया के लिए प्रेरणा होगी
"आमिर खान की हाल ही में रिलीज हुई फिल्म "पीपली लाइव" बुन्देलखंड के किसानो को लेकर बनी है।
बुंदेलखंड और बुन्देली संस्कृति तथा रहन सहन के साथ साथ पूरी तरह बुन्देली बोली ही प्रयुक्त की गयी है । उदाहारण के लिए नत्था की पत्नी धनिया अपने जेठ बुधिया से पूछती है " काये कछू भओ का आज ?" तो उत्तर में बुधिया कहता है कि " पईसा तौ मिले नैयाँ " । कहने का तात्पर्य पात्रों के बीच बातचीत में ठेठ बुन्देली ही प्रयुक्त की गयी है। इतना ही नहीं बुंदेलखंड को लेकर केंद्र तथा राज्य सरकारों के बीच जो वाकयुद्ध पिछले कुछ वर्षों से चल रहा है उसको भी इस फिल्म में भी पूरी तरह समाहित किया गया है ।
"महगाई मारें जात है " नामक चर्चित गाना बुन्देली साज-बाज के साथ गाया गया एक बुन्देली लोक गीत है । उल्लेखनीय है कि पिछले पॉँच वर्षों के दौरान बुन्देलखण्ड में लाखों किसान सूखे से प्रभावित हुए थे। इसके चलते यहाँ से भारी पलायन तथा भुखमरी के साथ साथ किसानों द्वारा आत्म हत्याओं की ख़बरें देश दुनिया तक पहुंची थी । इसी विषय को लेकर आमिर खान ने "पीपली लाइव" फिल्म बना डाली।
आमिर खान,
पीपली लाइव,
सूखा प्रभावित किसान
रविवार, 25 जुलाई 2010
हम गरीबी और भूख से मर जाएंगे बहू बेटियों का सौदा नहीँ करेगे
महानुभावों jee बुंदेलखंड की हकीकत गरीबी और भूख से मरते लोग..के विषय में कुछ लिखने से पहले बुंदेलखंड वासियों की भावनाओं को चोट न पहुँचाएँ। हम गरीबी और भूख से मर जाएंगे बहू बेटियों का सौदा नहीँ करेगे, आप जैसे महानुभावों ने माँ,बहू,बेटियों बिचौलियों रहे होगे और सौदा करते हुए बड़े होगे और आगे चलकर देश बेच देगें
Kavi Hardayal Kushwaha
Rabuni Sena
राष्ट्रीय बुंदेलखंड निर्माण सेना
संजय पाण्डेय
बुंदेलखंड एकीकृत पार्टी के राष्ट्रीय संयोजक
शुक्रवार, 23 जुलाई 2010
गरीब दलितों की भावनाओं पर "डकैती" डालने के लिए नेताओं की नौटंकी - संजय पाण्डेय
बुंदेलखंड एकीकृत पार्टी के राष्ट्रीय संयोजक संजय पाण्डेय ने राहुल गाँधी के जन्म दिन पर दलितों के साथ कांग्रेसियों के सहभोज(साथ बैठकर भोजन ) को "गरीब दलितों की भावनाओं पर डकैती" करार दिया। पाण्डेय ने कहा कि समाज में गरीब ही सबसे भावुक होता है ,इसलिए उसकी भावनाओं से खिलवाड़ करना आसान समझकर "राहुल गाँधी एंड कंपनी" गरीब दलितों के घरों को अपनी राजनीतिक प्रयोगशाला के लिए बेहद सस्ती ज़मीन समझ रहे हैं। गरीब के घर कांग्रेसियों के भोजन करने मात्र से उन्हें बराबरी का दर्जा नही मिल जाएगा , बल्कि उन्हें आर्थिक रूप से बराबरी प्रदान करनी होगी । नौटंकी करने के बजाए उनकी बदहाली दूर करने की योजनाये बनानी होगी । सच तो यह है कि आधी सदी तक के शासन में कांग्रेस ने गरीबी उन्मूलन और दलित उत्थान की दिशा में जो प्रयास किए वे ऊंट के मुह में जीरा की तरह हैं। दरअसल "कोट-पेंट और सूटकेश संस्कृति " वाली कांग्रेस पार्टी में योजनाकारों की भूमिका में सदैव राजा-महाराजा और किताबी अर्थशास्त्री ही रहे हैं, जो न तो गरीबी से परिचित है और न ही गरीब से।ठीक उसी तरह बसपा ने भी स्वयं को दलितों और गरीबों की रहनुमा बताकर उनकी भावनाओं के साथ खिलवाड़ किया ।उनका थोक वोट बैंक तो लिया पर उनका उत्थान नही चाहा। और तो और घोषित रूप से दलितों की पार्टी (बसपा) का टिकट भी हर चुनाव में ऐसे अमीरों को दिया जाता है जो बहन जी पर करोडो रूपए न्योछावर कर दे। कुल मिलाकर इस देश में दलितों के हितैषी दिखने के लिए स्वांग रचने की स्पर्धा तो चलती है पर उनको ऊपर उठाना कोई नही चाहता। असल में भारत की राजनीति में "गरीब" ही सदैव से राजनीतिक सामग्री रहा है । शायद इसलिए कोई नेता नही चाहता कि गरीबी हटे क्योंकि यदि गरीबी हट गयी तो राजनीति की विषय-वस्तु ही खत्म हो जायेगी ।पिछले वर्ष बुंदेलखंड के दौरे पर आए राहुल गाँधी ने एक दलित परिवार के घर खाना खाकर जाताना चाहा कि वे और उनकी पार्टी ही निम्नवर्ग के सबसे बड़े हितैषी है । किंतु मै राहुल से पूछता हूँ कि बुन्देलखंड क्षेत्र से लाखो लोग पलायन करके उसी दिल्ली में नारकीय जीवन जी रहे है जहाँ राहुल गाँधी स्थाई रूप से रहते हैं, क्या उन लोगों की सुध लेने कभी किसी झुग्गी पर राहुल गाँधी पहुचे?क्या इन्ही मजदूरों में से किसी को दस जनपथ ले जाकर साथ में भोजन करवाया? इतना तो बहुत दूर की बात, किसी मजदूर की औकात तक नही कि वह दस जनपथ में प्रवेश भी पा जाए। मीडिया की उपस्थिति में दलित के घर बैठकर और बड़ी बड़ी फोटो खिचवाकर नेताओ का तो भला हो सकता है मगर गरीब का नही।
राहुल गाँधी "शबरी " के घर भोजन करके "राम" तो बनना चाहते है पर सिर्फ़ मीडिया कवरेज के लिए । पर नयी पीढी के नेताओं को नौटंकियाँ छोड़कर निष्कपट भाव से दबे-कुचलों को साथ लेकर राम के आदर्शों पर चलकर वास्तव में राम -राज स्थापित करने की पहल करनी होगी । साथ ही देश के गरीब ,दलितों को भी मायावती और राहुल गाँधी जैसे छद्म वेशधारी नौटंकीबाज कलाकारों की हकीकत जाननी होगी ।
लेखक: संजय पाण्डेय
बुंदेलखंड एकीकृत पार्टी के राष्ट्रीय संयोजक है
राहुल गाँधी "शबरी " के घर भोजन करके "राम" तो बनना चाहते है पर सिर्फ़ मीडिया कवरेज के लिए । पर नयी पीढी के नेताओं को नौटंकियाँ छोड़कर निष्कपट भाव से दबे-कुचलों को साथ लेकर राम के आदर्शों पर चलकर वास्तव में राम -राज स्थापित करने की पहल करनी होगी । साथ ही देश के गरीब ,दलितों को भी मायावती और राहुल गाँधी जैसे छद्म वेशधारी नौटंकीबाज कलाकारों की हकीकत जाननी होगी ।
लेखक: संजय पाण्डेय
बुंदेलखंड एकीकृत पार्टी के राष्ट्रीय संयोजक है
Bundelkhand :Poverty of Institutions "प्यासा बुंदेलखंड" By Pravin Kumar Kushwaha
Thirsty Bundelkhand प्यासा बुंदेलखंड
Dear Friends, We are facing sever water crisis in Bundelkhand since last 15-20 years around. In modern democratic state when citizens are in crisis situation like this then it is the responsibility of state to respond to the problem. At the same time political leadership is equally responsible to envision new ways and means to overcome the problem. Equally, other social institutions need to respond in a similar way to the problem. Therefore, various govt., social and political institutions existing in our society must respond to the crisis to develop resilience as well as new adaptations to changing climatic pattern. My observation is that it is the "poverty of our existing institutions" (Govt., social, political etc.) that during last 20 years our socio-political institutions were unable to respond properly to the upcoming crisis. Consequently, we are constantly jumping up into the higher level of risk and vulnerabilities, thereby making our society more and more susceptible to crisis situation in which social and ecological system of Bundelkhan region may collapse in future. When I say Govt. institutions then I mean bureaucratic machinery- what is their response to this crisis? When I say political institutions then I mean the nature of political movement in Bundelkhand region as well as the vision of our politicians. When I say other social institutions then I mean various kinds of community based social institutions like religious institutions, caste based institutions, regional institutions for social welfare, and numerous other social institutions. My argument is that the way our socio-political institutions are behaving in Bundelkhan region need to be questioned by citizens themselves. Religion and caste based institutions are being manipulated by cynical political ideologues through divide and rule politics of colonial era by creating hatred and dissatisfaction among various groups in society. Their focus is not on current crisis of market economy in which people are forced to perform best in every situation (whether they are assured minimum security level for survival or not such as economic/employment security, health security, education and security of opportunities to live a better life). These securities are actually the basic rights of citizens; and that is why elections are held in a democratic state to ensure citizen’s interest/rights. Therefore, it is the responsibility of state as well as various other institutions to provide various securities to the individual as well as groups in society. This video paints the picture of crisis in Bundelkhand very well. When I visit my hometown in Bundelkhan then I see that how thousands of poor migrants are constantly on the move in search of employment opportunities. They are rescuing their lives by providing cheap labour to the growth oriented and profit making capitalist system of the market economy. In this system a well skilled farmer or craftsman from hinterland when arrives in urban areas suddenly becomes ‘unskilled labour’ in the privatized or neoliberal market economy of the cities. At the same time there is over negligence of earlier existing local agriculture or craft based self regulating economies in the name of change or transformation into a global economy where secondary and tertiary sectors are on top priority. Our Govt. institutions (especially bureaucratic as well as scientific) are drowned in the sea of corruption. Although there is acknowledgement of corruption in the system by govt. itself but there is no seriousness from the govt’ side to tackle it. This is very well recognised when I attend policy related discussions or meetings organised by govt. bodies. In such meetings from morning to evening everything is discussed about the issues but not even a single time corruption appears on the discussion table. The most sighted reason for this negligence is ‘it is illegal to talk about corruption in govt. meetings’; and that is how the over corrupt bureaucrats of this country get easy escape from real issues. The same is happening in our religious and caste based institutions. The visionless political leadership in entire Bundelkhand is constantly envisioning politics as merely extension of old feudal political system in which poor people used to be exploited by their lords. Caste has become the political power. Political awareness has penetrated into the hinterland of Bundelkhand during the last twenty years, which is always good for any democratic system throughout the world. But, the energy of this political awareness was mobilised by the cynical politicians of Bundelkhand to achieve, I would call ‘neo-feudal’ interests where caste and religion were used to gain power through the politics of hatred or divide and rule. Under this background of corruption, profit making global market economy and visionless as well as commitment less political leadership of Bundelkhand, middle class as well as poor people of Bundelkhand are being cheated of their citizen’s rights. No serious concern is observed for the citizens in the name of so called ‘common man’ politics. The rhetoric of ‘common man’ is quite appealing. People’s emotions and sentiments are touched powerfully to mobilise votes by such rhetoric. The question is what happens to ‘common man’ when it comes to ensure minimum basic rights of citizens. For instance in the modern global market economic system well salaried government employees as well as well paid so called ‘skilled labour’ (science and technical graduates, MBAs etc.) are able to enjoy all kinds of securities from life insurance to health and education as well as pension and better housing for themselves and their families. This group (community) of society constitutes a small portion of entire population in this country who vote for electing a govt. At the same time many times larger group of people who are called ‘unskilled labour’ are unable to have the privilege of their basic citizen’s rights which are guaranteed to them by the constitution. These poor people are forced to leave rural areas due to collapse of agriculture and other local economic systems. They are on constant move throughout the country in search of employment opportunities and struggling hard to find jobs here and there. By this, poor people are rescuing their lives to feed the profit making economy without life insurance; they work and keep on moving on various construction sites as cheap labour without health and educational securities to their wives and children. Over competition and exploitation at work places force them to work hard and perform in adverse situations for long time every day, thereby indirectly forcing them to take shelter in alcoholism or drug addiction to keep on performing for their survival. This kind of ‘social Darwinism’ is justified in the name of commitment for the job, competitiveness in the market, rhetoric of ‘quality’ and so on thereby, denying social justice and basic rights of citizens. The vision of development shown by bureaucrats mostly lies in the technocratic solutions for the social problems. The solutions proposed to the problems of rural areas mostly lie in the form of introduction of new and expensive technologies in agricultural system. Here, I want to remind that whenever a new technology is introduced in any system (especially market based economy) then always a high risk of failure is associated with it. Thus, these technocratic solutions (hybrid or genetically modified seeds, new agricultural techniques, new equipments and chemical fertilizers, climatic modelling, large dams) to the problems of poor farmers lie beyond their capacities to bear the burden of risk in case of technological failure. This risk is further aggravated in the absence of various securities like alternative employment, education to their children, adequate and affordable health care facilities etc. Consequently, whenever there is a crisis situation like existing one in Bundelkhand then poor people are the most affected; and due to absence of adequate security structures and institutional response their vulnerability is aggravated manifold. Therefore, my observation is that the crisis in Bundelkhand is not a natural one, but actually it is a man-made crisis resulting from inadequate institutional responses, where not only corrupt bureaucratic institutions but also other social and political institutions are equally responsible for current crisis in the region.
Pravin Kumar Kushwaha
Doctorate Student, Centre for Studies in Science Policy,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
E-mail: pravin.kushwaha@gmail.com
Dear Friends, We are facing sever water crisis in Bundelkhand since last 15-20 years around. In modern democratic state when citizens are in crisis situation like this then it is the responsibility of state to respond to the problem. At the same time political leadership is equally responsible to envision new ways and means to overcome the problem. Equally, other social institutions need to respond in a similar way to the problem. Therefore, various govt., social and political institutions existing in our society must respond to the crisis to develop resilience as well as new adaptations to changing climatic pattern. My observation is that it is the "poverty of our existing institutions" (Govt., social, political etc.) that during last 20 years our socio-political institutions were unable to respond properly to the upcoming crisis. Consequently, we are constantly jumping up into the higher level of risk and vulnerabilities, thereby making our society more and more susceptible to crisis situation in which social and ecological system of Bundelkhan region may collapse in future. When I say Govt. institutions then I mean bureaucratic machinery- what is their response to this crisis? When I say political institutions then I mean the nature of political movement in Bundelkhand region as well as the vision of our politicians. When I say other social institutions then I mean various kinds of community based social institutions like religious institutions, caste based institutions, regional institutions for social welfare, and numerous other social institutions. My argument is that the way our socio-political institutions are behaving in Bundelkhan region need to be questioned by citizens themselves. Religion and caste based institutions are being manipulated by cynical political ideologues through divide and rule politics of colonial era by creating hatred and dissatisfaction among various groups in society. Their focus is not on current crisis of market economy in which people are forced to perform best in every situation (whether they are assured minimum security level for survival or not such as economic/employment security, health security, education and security of opportunities to live a better life). These securities are actually the basic rights of citizens; and that is why elections are held in a democratic state to ensure citizen’s interest/rights. Therefore, it is the responsibility of state as well as various other institutions to provide various securities to the individual as well as groups in society. This video paints the picture of crisis in Bundelkhand very well. When I visit my hometown in Bundelkhan then I see that how thousands of poor migrants are constantly on the move in search of employment opportunities. They are rescuing their lives by providing cheap labour to the growth oriented and profit making capitalist system of the market economy. In this system a well skilled farmer or craftsman from hinterland when arrives in urban areas suddenly becomes ‘unskilled labour’ in the privatized or neoliberal market economy of the cities. At the same time there is over negligence of earlier existing local agriculture or craft based self regulating economies in the name of change or transformation into a global economy where secondary and tertiary sectors are on top priority. Our Govt. institutions (especially bureaucratic as well as scientific) are drowned in the sea of corruption. Although there is acknowledgement of corruption in the system by govt. itself but there is no seriousness from the govt’ side to tackle it. This is very well recognised when I attend policy related discussions or meetings organised by govt. bodies. In such meetings from morning to evening everything is discussed about the issues but not even a single time corruption appears on the discussion table. The most sighted reason for this negligence is ‘it is illegal to talk about corruption in govt. meetings’; and that is how the over corrupt bureaucrats of this country get easy escape from real issues. The same is happening in our religious and caste based institutions. The visionless political leadership in entire Bundelkhand is constantly envisioning politics as merely extension of old feudal political system in which poor people used to be exploited by their lords. Caste has become the political power. Political awareness has penetrated into the hinterland of Bundelkhand during the last twenty years, which is always good for any democratic system throughout the world. But, the energy of this political awareness was mobilised by the cynical politicians of Bundelkhand to achieve, I would call ‘neo-feudal’ interests where caste and religion were used to gain power through the politics of hatred or divide and rule. Under this background of corruption, profit making global market economy and visionless as well as commitment less political leadership of Bundelkhand, middle class as well as poor people of Bundelkhand are being cheated of their citizen’s rights. No serious concern is observed for the citizens in the name of so called ‘common man’ politics. The rhetoric of ‘common man’ is quite appealing. People’s emotions and sentiments are touched powerfully to mobilise votes by such rhetoric. The question is what happens to ‘common man’ when it comes to ensure minimum basic rights of citizens. For instance in the modern global market economic system well salaried government employees as well as well paid so called ‘skilled labour’ (science and technical graduates, MBAs etc.) are able to enjoy all kinds of securities from life insurance to health and education as well as pension and better housing for themselves and their families. This group (community) of society constitutes a small portion of entire population in this country who vote for electing a govt. At the same time many times larger group of people who are called ‘unskilled labour’ are unable to have the privilege of their basic citizen’s rights which are guaranteed to them by the constitution. These poor people are forced to leave rural areas due to collapse of agriculture and other local economic systems. They are on constant move throughout the country in search of employment opportunities and struggling hard to find jobs here and there. By this, poor people are rescuing their lives to feed the profit making economy without life insurance; they work and keep on moving on various construction sites as cheap labour without health and educational securities to their wives and children. Over competition and exploitation at work places force them to work hard and perform in adverse situations for long time every day, thereby indirectly forcing them to take shelter in alcoholism or drug addiction to keep on performing for their survival. This kind of ‘social Darwinism’ is justified in the name of commitment for the job, competitiveness in the market, rhetoric of ‘quality’ and so on thereby, denying social justice and basic rights of citizens. The vision of development shown by bureaucrats mostly lies in the technocratic solutions for the social problems. The solutions proposed to the problems of rural areas mostly lie in the form of introduction of new and expensive technologies in agricultural system. Here, I want to remind that whenever a new technology is introduced in any system (especially market based economy) then always a high risk of failure is associated with it. Thus, these technocratic solutions (hybrid or genetically modified seeds, new agricultural techniques, new equipments and chemical fertilizers, climatic modelling, large dams) to the problems of poor farmers lie beyond their capacities to bear the burden of risk in case of technological failure. This risk is further aggravated in the absence of various securities like alternative employment, education to their children, adequate and affordable health care facilities etc. Consequently, whenever there is a crisis situation like existing one in Bundelkhand then poor people are the most affected; and due to absence of adequate security structures and institutional response their vulnerability is aggravated manifold. Therefore, my observation is that the crisis in Bundelkhand is not a natural one, but actually it is a man-made crisis resulting from inadequate institutional responses, where not only corrupt bureaucratic institutions but also other social and political institutions are equally responsible for current crisis in the region.
Pravin Kumar Kushwaha
Doctorate Student, Centre for Studies in Science Policy,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
E-mail: pravin.kushwaha@gmail.com
रविवार, 11 जुलाई 2010
Bundelkhand:Special train for Amavasya Mela
ALLAHABAD: Railways has started a special train between Kanpur and Chitrakoot for the Amavasya Mela which is being held from July 10 to 13. Besides, several trains have been given stoppages at Chitrakoot and adjoining stations till the mela period.
The special train departs from Kanpur at 9:40am and moves vis Bhimsen at 10:05am, Ghatampur at 10:41am, Hamirpur Road at 10:58am, Bharwa Sumerpur at 11:28am, Ragaul at 11:43am, Banda at 12:45pm, Antara at 1:20pm, Bharatkoop at 1:40pm, Shivrampur at 1:53pm and terminates at Chitrakoot at 2:05pm. During the return journey, the train leaves Chitrakoot at 2:20pm and moves via Shivrampur at 2:28pm, Bharatkoop at 2:40pm, Anatara at 3:02pm, Banda at 3:15pm, Ragaul at 4:18pm, Bharwa Sumerpur at 4:35pm, Hamirpur Road at 5pm, Ghatampur at 5:20pm, Vhimsen at 6:08pm and terminates at Kanpur at 6:35pm.
Meanwhile, train numbers 137/138 Jhansi-Banda passenger train has been extended upto Chitrakoot till July 13. In addition, train numbers 1107/1108 Bundelkhand Express has been given two-minute stoppages at the stations of Bahilpurwa, Shivrampur, Badausa and Ranipur Road. Train numbers 2189/2190 Jabalpur-Nizamuddin Mahakaushal express has been given two-minute stoppages at Shivrampur station.
A special Jhansi-Chitakoot passenger train is running during the mela period. This train leaves Jhansi at 5am and reaches Chitrakoot at 12:05pm. During the return journey, the train leaves Chitrakoot at 12:55pm and reaches Jhansi at 7:40pm. However, during the mela period, train numbers 223/224 Jhansi-Lucknow passenger will remain cancelled between Kanpur-Lucknow
The special train departs from Kanpur at 9:40am and moves vis Bhimsen at 10:05am, Ghatampur at 10:41am, Hamirpur Road at 10:58am, Bharwa Sumerpur at 11:28am, Ragaul at 11:43am, Banda at 12:45pm, Antara at 1:20pm, Bharatkoop at 1:40pm, Shivrampur at 1:53pm and terminates at Chitrakoot at 2:05pm. During the return journey, the train leaves Chitrakoot at 2:20pm and moves via Shivrampur at 2:28pm, Bharatkoop at 2:40pm, Anatara at 3:02pm, Banda at 3:15pm, Ragaul at 4:18pm, Bharwa Sumerpur at 4:35pm, Hamirpur Road at 5pm, Ghatampur at 5:20pm, Vhimsen at 6:08pm and terminates at Kanpur at 6:35pm.
Meanwhile, train numbers 137/138 Jhansi-Banda passenger train has been extended upto Chitrakoot till July 13. In addition, train numbers 1107/1108 Bundelkhand Express has been given two-minute stoppages at the stations of Bahilpurwa, Shivrampur, Badausa and Ranipur Road. Train numbers 2189/2190 Jabalpur-Nizamuddin Mahakaushal express has been given two-minute stoppages at Shivrampur station.
A special Jhansi-Chitakoot passenger train is running during the mela period. This train leaves Jhansi at 5am and reaches Chitrakoot at 12:05pm. During the return journey, the train leaves Chitrakoot at 12:55pm and reaches Jhansi at 7:40pm. However, during the mela period, train numbers 223/224 Jhansi-Lucknow passenger will remain cancelled between Kanpur-Lucknow
गुरुवार, 20 मई 2010
Rahul had to take Bill Gates to Bundhelkhand: BJP
BJP state president Surya Pratap Shahi took a dig at Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for taking Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates to his Parliamantary constituency of Amethi and said he had to rather take the IT Czar to under-developed Bundhelkhand region.
"One of the richest men of the world, Bill Gates, recently visited Amethi. If the Congress leaders were so concerned about the development of the state, Rahul should have taken him to Bundelkhand region, which is backward and host of problems exist there," Shahi said.
He alleged that the agenda of Congress president Sonia Gandhis and Rahul Gandhi was limited to their parliamentary constituencies of Rae Bareli and Amethi.
"They cannot see poverty anywhere else in the state," he said adding the Congress, which ruled the state for 40 years, was responsible for its backwardness.
Bill Gates had visited Amethi on May 11.
(with PTI inputs)
गुरुवार, 13 मई 2010
बुंदेलखंड: दो झूटन के बीच में कैसो पीसो
उ प उवाचा
आज बहीन माया जी जागी,
काल भैया जी शिव राज जू जगेगे I
गए दिन दो -चार महारानी संग बाबु युवराज जगेगे I
एक आश सी जागी है , अन्देरी रात मे I
काल रहे ना रहे हम ,पर हमाये बुंदेलखंड के ,
आये दिनों में पुनह भग्य जगेगे
जय बुंदेलखंड
दिल्ली उवाचा
Loans given to women in Bundelkhand HT
ऍम.पी उवाचा
Nandini R Iyer, Hindustan Times
Email Author
Nowgong (Madhya Pradesh), May 15, 2010
First Published: 00:50 IST(15/5/2010)
Last Updated: 00:53 IST(15/5/2010)
To encourage women in drought-hit Bundelkhand to use their artisan skills to generate income, the Rashtriya Mahila Kosh has embarked on an awareness programme in the area.
The RMK, an autonomous body under the ministry of women and child development, has sanctioned about Rs 1.15 crore to seven non-governmental agencies in Bundelkhand.
Kicking off the first phase by distributing loan cheques, Union Minister of State for Women and Child Development Krishna Tirath told an audience of rural women how there would be a market in Delhi and other cities for their work.
"You make baskets from cane and grass but with a little bit of training you can use the same materials to make light weight furniture that would be a hit in larger cities," the minister said.
The programme will initially cover 3,000 women whose skills in handicraft and food processing will be developed, through training and support.
UP seeks more Central package funds on Bundelkhand .
यु. पी. उवाचा
Lucknow, May 14 (PTI) The Uttar Pradesh government today said it has got Rs 332 crores of the Rs 1595 crores additional central aid (ACA) which is a part of the Centre's special package for drought-hit Bundelkhand region.
"The state has not got any additional help due to the Bundelkhand package announced by the Centre," State Chief Secretary Atul Kumar Gupta said.
He alleged that the state has got only Rs 332 crores of the additional central aid (ACA) and requested for quick release of the remaining amount besides the Rs. 471 crores of the MNREGS which was due.
Over Rs 1595 crores ACA in the package would have come to the state, he said.
Three years on, Mayawati counts virtues of BSP rule
Indo-Asian News Service
Not more than one per cent of the state's budget had been spent on memorials to Dalit icons, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati said on Thursday, adding that three years of her Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) government had led to an environment free of terror, crime, injustice and corruption.
Addressing a press conference to mark three years of BSP rule in the state, Mayawati staunchly defended the construction of memorials and statues to herself and Dalit icons.
"Yes, I have built memorials and statues to commemorate the rich contribution of such personalities who had done yeoman social service and reforms, but their work never received due recognition in successive Congress governments or the other regimes."
Justifying the allocation of more than Rs 6, 000 crore towards these memorials, she asserted: "Whatever I have spent each year towards commemoration of these icons was not more than one percent of the state's annual budget."
Extolling the virtues of her three-year rule, Mayawati told a crowded press conference: "What my government has achieved over a period of three years, since we rode on to power entirely on our own strength, cannot be matched by any other political party that has ever remained in power in the state."
She said there was "utter jungle raj" when the BSP assumed office in May 2007.
"And I am proud of the fact that in three years, I have been able to create a terror-free, fear-free, crime-free, injustice-free and corruption-free environment by putting the law of the land back on the rails."
In her view, her government "could have done wonders" had the central government extended cooperation in adequately sharing the cost of various development programmes.
Training her guns at the central government, she said it had deprived the state of Rs 17, 000 crores, "the state's legitimate share towards various schemes already carried out over the past three years".
Focussing on the Congress-led government's "conspiracy" against her regime, Mayawati recalled how New Delhi had not paid any attention to her repeated demand for a special economic package of Rs 80, 000 crores for the uplift of Bundelkhand and Purvanchal.
"The central government had even gone to the extent of violating the provisions of an order of the country's apex court, that had clearly ruled in 2005 that the centre would have to bear the entire financial burden of programmes initiated by it in states.
"The recent decision of the central government on right to education was a point in that very regard; and even as the UPA regime decided to insure free education across the country, it failed to make corresponding financial provisions for it," the chief minister added.
In a sharp deviation from the past practice, Mayawati did not hold a big bash on her government's third anniversary. But senior bureaucrats, police officials and the media were treated to a sumptuous lunch.
Cong hits back at Mayawati for attacking UPA
New Delhi, May 13 (PTI) Congress today hit back at Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayawati for charging the UPA with adopting step-motherly and discriminatory attitude towards the state, saying she was making the allegations only to hide her failure.
"The Centre gave more money and help to UP as compared to other states. A special package was given to Bundelkhand also.
She is making the allegations to hide her failure," party spokesman Shakeel Ahmed told reporters here.
On the occasion of the BSP government completing three years in office, the chief minister alleged that "negative" attitude adopted by the central government smacked of conspiracy against her government
States loath to sharing credit with UPA govt for schemes : TOI
NEW DELHI: States are getting increasingly jittery over central ministers seeking part of the glory on their home turf, with Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh acting to restrain their footprints outside Delhi.
UP chief minister Mayawati has said "no" to elected representatives attending a review meeting on implementation of central relief package for Bundelkhand on Friday. In a similar move, Madhya Pradesh has issued an order that central ministers and VVIPs should take permission to attend meetings which relate to the state or its schemes.
While suprising, it marks an eagerness among non-Congress states to assert their intellectual property rights on schemes and assets in the face of attempts by UPA members to score a point.
National Rainfed Area Authority chief J S Samra and Planning Commission member-secretary Sudha Pillai will visit Jhansi on Friday to check the implementation of UP part of Rs 7,000 crore package spanning 13 districts of UP and MP.
UP's decision to restrict Friday's meeting to officials has surprised central monitors. While it is a state's prerogative to decide upon the invitees, plan panel sources said elected members, who are part of district planning committees, help in holistic approach to problems.
It is in stark contrast to the MP leg of the review in Sagar last month where officials and elected members were invited in two sessions.
At the same time, the Shivraj Singh Chouhan regime in MP has ordered that central representatives should take permission for functions relating to the state.
In a circular to DMs and department heads on April 24, it said central ministers and VVIPs were holding functions or meetings with district officials without the state's knowledge. "It has been decided that functions, which relate to the state or its schemes, should be held only after permission from state government," the circular said.
While Chouhan may be looking to check MP-based ministers like Kamal Nath, Jyotiraditya Scindia, Arun Yadav and Kantilal Bhuria, Mayawati appears to be balancing her renewed focus on development with the political objective of not giving a foothold to Congress-led Centre in the war for credits.
Rahul Gandhi's emergence on `battlefield Bundelkhand' saw Congress cite the relief package as a sign of its commitment to the backward region. An invitation to MPs and MLAs for the review would have put Rahul's key aide from Bundelkhand, Pradeep Jain, MoS in union rural development ministry, and Samajwadi Party MPs like Ghanshyam Anuragi and R K Singh Patel in the spotlight.
But Mayawati's strategy will not end the tussle over Bundelkhand as Centre's imprimatur on the relief package is permanent, with Centre having monitoring rights. Sources said after the Jhansi meeting on Friday, the NRAA teams will visit every district to get a first-hand account on the package.
Rahul's tour to Bundelkhand, which sources said may happen later, may only stoke the tussle further.
Sorce:The Times of India
UP chief minister Mayawati has said "no" to elected representatives attending a review meeting on implementation of central relief package for Bundelkhand on Friday. In a similar move, Madhya Pradesh has issued an order that central ministers and VVIPs should take permission to attend meetings which relate to the state or its schemes.
While suprising, it marks an eagerness among non-Congress states to assert their intellectual property rights on schemes and assets in the face of attempts by UPA members to score a point.
National Rainfed Area Authority chief J S Samra and Planning Commission member-secretary Sudha Pillai will visit Jhansi on Friday to check the implementation of UP part of Rs 7,000 crore package spanning 13 districts of UP and MP.
UP's decision to restrict Friday's meeting to officials has surprised central monitors. While it is a state's prerogative to decide upon the invitees, plan panel sources said elected members, who are part of district planning committees, help in holistic approach to problems.
It is in stark contrast to the MP leg of the review in Sagar last month where officials and elected members were invited in two sessions.
At the same time, the Shivraj Singh Chouhan regime in MP has ordered that central representatives should take permission for functions relating to the state.
In a circular to DMs and department heads on April 24, it said central ministers and VVIPs were holding functions or meetings with district officials without the state's knowledge. "It has been decided that functions, which relate to the state or its schemes, should be held only after permission from state government," the circular said.
While Chouhan may be looking to check MP-based ministers like Kamal Nath, Jyotiraditya Scindia, Arun Yadav and Kantilal Bhuria, Mayawati appears to be balancing her renewed focus on development with the political objective of not giving a foothold to Congress-led Centre in the war for credits.
Rahul Gandhi's emergence on `battlefield Bundelkhand' saw Congress cite the relief package as a sign of its commitment to the backward region. An invitation to MPs and MLAs for the review would have put Rahul's key aide from Bundelkhand, Pradeep Jain, MoS in union rural development ministry, and Samajwadi Party MPs like Ghanshyam Anuragi and R K Singh Patel in the spotlight.
But Mayawati's strategy will not end the tussle over Bundelkhand as Centre's imprimatur on the relief package is permanent, with Centre having monitoring rights. Sources said after the Jhansi meeting on Friday, the NRAA teams will visit every district to get a first-hand account on the package.
Rahul's tour to Bundelkhand, which sources said may happen later, may only stoke the tussle further.
Sorce:The Times of India
मंगलवार, 11 मई 2010
Capacity Building cum awareness Generation Programme in Bundelkhand Region of Madhya Pradesh :PIB
Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK), an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of Women & Child Development is organising a Capacity Building cum Awareness Generation Programme with a view to creating awareness among the rural women of Bundelkhand Region for their socio-economic upliftment. Capacity Building cum Awareness Generation Programme will also encourage local artisans, handicrafts and food processing. A Comprehensive Training Programme for skill development will be implemented in the region through Central Social Welfare Board and National Institute of Public Cooperation & Child Development, both organisations under the Ministry of Women & Child Development. Marketing avenues for the local artisans and products of women beneficiaries are proposed to be arranged through Dilli Haat and in regional/local markets.
The Programme will be held at Nowgong in Chhatarpur Distt. on 13/05/2010. It is expected that about 3000 rural women from Bundelkhand region would participate in the Programme. Smt. Krishna Tirath, the Union Minister of State for Women & Child Development (Independent Charge) and Chairperson of RMK will be the Chief Guest of the programme. She will be accompanied by Dr. (Smt.) Kiran Chadha, Executive Director , RMK.
Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK) has sanctioned Rs. 1.15 crores to the seven NGOs of Bundelkhand region which is going to benefit more than 1100 women beneficiaries. The Minister, Smt. Krishna Tirath will distribute loan cheques to these women beneficiaries in the first phase. The WCD Minister would also visit Mahoba and Banda Distts. in Madhya Pradesh on 12/05/2010 for checking the implementation of Women and Child Programme in the region. She will also review the WCD Programmes, especially the Anganwadi and ‘Women Self Help Groups’ capacity building programmes in Khajuraho Distt. with a view to lend support to local artisans for marketing their art and craft.
Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK), an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of Women & Child Development is organising a Capacity Building cum Awareness Generation Programme with a view to creating awareness among the rural women of Bundelkhand Region for their socio-economic upliftment. Capacity Building cum Awareness Generation Programme will also encourage local artisans, handicrafts and food processing. A Comprehensive Training Programme for skill development will be implemented in the region through Central Social Welfare Board and National Institute of Public Cooperation & Child Development, both organisations under the Ministry of Women & Child Development. Marketing avenues for the local artisans and products of women beneficiaries are proposed to be arranged through Dilli Haat and in regional/local markets.
The Programme will be held at Nowgong in Chhatarpur Distt. on 13/05/2010. It is expected that about 3000 rural women from Bundelkhand region would participate in the Programme. Smt. Krishna Tirath, the Union Minister of State for Women & Child Development (Independent Charge) and Chairperson of RMK will be the Chief Guest of the programme. She will be accompanied by Dr. (Smt.) Kiran Chadha, Executive Director , RMK.
Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK) has sanctioned Rs. 1.15 crores to the seven NGOs of Bundelkhand region which is going to benefit more than 1100 women beneficiaries. The Minister, Smt. Krishna Tirath will distribute loan cheques to these women beneficiaries in the first phase. The WCD Minister would also visit Mahoba and Banda Distts. in Madhya Pradesh on 12/05/2010 for checking the implementation of Women and Child Programme in the region. She will also review the WCD Programmes, especially the Anganwadi and ‘Women Self Help Groups’ capacity building programmes in Khajuraho Distt. with a view to lend support to local artisans for marketing their art and craft.
गुरुवार, 6 मई 2010
India Inflation Up 8.56% in January

NEW DELHI -- India's wholesale inflation rate in January raced ahead at its fastest clip in 15 months, outpacing a central bank forecast for the end of the fiscal year and increasing the chances of an aggressive tightening of monetary policy to rein in prices.

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An activist from India's main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), wearing a garland made with vegetables, shouts slogans during a protest against price rise in New Delhi February 10, 2010.
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry Monday said the country's wholesale price index rose a provisional 8.56%--higher than the 8.5% which the Reserve Bank of India expects to be reached only by the end of the year through March.
The median forecast in a Dow Jones Newswires poll of seven economists was for an 8.21% increase. The index had risen 7.31% in December.
Sugar prices rose 58.96% from a year earlier, textiles 11.14% and food articles 17.43%, pushing up the wholesale price index, India's main gauge of inflationary trends.

The January index for primary articles was up 14.52% from a year earlier to 284.7 while the fuel index rose 6.90% to 351.5.
At a Jan. 29 policy review meeting, the Reserve Bank Of India raised its March-end inflation estimate to 8.5% from 6.5%.
It also raised banks' cash reserve ratio, or the amount of cash they must set aside against deposits, by 0.75% to drain excess liquidity that could fuel inflation.
It kept its key interest rates unchanged, awaiting a broad-based pickup in the economy.
The latest data comes close on the heels of the industrial output print that showed a 16.8% on-year rise in December, sharply ahead of market expectation of 12.6% and the fastest growth since March 1990.
The strong data also signaled that the economy may expand faster than the government's forecast of 7.2% this fiscal year through March.
Inflation, on the other hand, has been surging ahead, driven by a low base and high food prices as the weakest monsoon in 37 years hurt farm output.
Mridul Saggar, chief economist at Kotak Securities, expects the central bank to raise policy rates--but not before its next monetary policy review meeting scheduled for April 20.
"The RBI is unlikely to act further before the next policy with or without gasoline-price hikes as its 75 basis point cash reserve ratio hike is spaced over the next two fortnights and would be followed by surplus liquidity falling further in the second and third week of March due to tax outflows," Mr. Saggar said.
He expects the inflation rate to clock 9.8% by the end of March.
Write to Anant Vijay Kala at anant.kala@dowjones.com
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